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And help us spread our realistic system of self-defence!

Become an instructor of the unique self-defense system, SORUDO, in your country! With 24 years of global experience, we have been saving lives and awakening the inner heroes that slumber within us all. Join us in spreading this system worldwide!

SORUDO is grounded in real-life experiences, statistical analysis, research, and continuous testing. We teach our participants to defend themselves and their loved ones in the most critical situations.

We are already present in many countries!

120 +

Instructors & Lecturers

60000 +

People Practiced SORUDO 

90 +

Saved Lives

1000 +

Courses and Seminars Yearly


Years of Experience


We’re Looking For True Warriors

If you have been searching for more realistic self-defense training throughout your life, you've finally found it!

We are tirelessly seeking elite instructors, warriors who are eager to help us save lives. Those carefully selected and trained fighters/warriors will host reality-based self-defense courses, open new clubs, and train and create heroes in their localities!

We seek individuals with passion and a desire to learn something new, who are determined to train, aspire to become professional trainers, and represent SORUDO in their country. We are looking for applicants with at least 10 years of experience in martial arts, combat sports, or self-defense, ideally within reality-based self-defense.

What We Mean By Reality-Based Self Defese

Real self-defense, to us, means preparing for scenarios as they are likely to occur. This involves acknowledging that attackers may be larger, more numerous, or armed with weapons such as knives. Your training must adapt to all of these realities.

Our training strives to mirror reality as closely as possible. We focus not only on unarmed self-defense but also on the proficient use of weapons—both those you carry and improvised tools. Additionally, we train to disarm attackers and use their weapons against them, preparing you to face multiple adversaries.

Unlike traditional self-defense systems, we critically examine conventional techniques that may not be effective in real-life situations. We challenge ineffective self-defense methods and training practices that don't hold up under scrutiny.

How To Become a Sorudo Instructor

We give almost everyone a chance - but only those who train hard can become our representatives in their country.

This is your opportunity to embark on a career you'll be proud of now and for many years to come! You have the chance to contribute to saving lives, protecting the vulnerable, and transforming society for the better.

We will provide you with all the necessary expertise, including the principles of realistic self-defense as well as fundamental marketing and business knowledge, to become a competent instructor of ours.

Initially, we are seeking a few ELITE instructors in every region who can assist us in establishing the foundation of our instructor network.

For more information, simply hit the "Apply" button. We can arrange an online meeting, train together to get to know each other a bit more, and discuss the opportunities we can offer you.

No Bullshit Job Offer

✅ FREE TRAINING (no pyramid scheme)

This is not an investment opportunity, we will give you all the training for FREE.

✅ Career growth

Choose your path: international instructor or chief in your country - you can progress according to your goal!

Demanding conditions

You will have to invest a lot of time and energy into the training.

Hard selection process

We will choose only 1/100 candidates.


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We are seeking applicants with at least 10 years of martial arts experience or a minimum of 5 years actively participating in combat sports.

Candidates must be currently engaged in regular training or sports activities and possess both the physical and mental resilience to withstand a full day of intense training.

Additionally, they should be committed to continuous self-improvement and eager to learn new skills.


1) First instructor in the country (3 months from now)
2) Full time job as an instructor (6 months from now)
3) International instructor (1 year from now)
4) Co-entrepreneur in the country (club owner)
5) Chief Instructor for the country (5 years from now)


Are you the right person for us?

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Jon a camp

Become An Instructor At Sorudo Camps

Following initial interviews and a test training day, we invite our top applicants to an intensive training camp. There, they will learn the fundamentals of SORUDO and have the opportunity to earn their first-level instructor certificate.

Watch the video to get a taste of how our camps are.

Instructor camp - 2021 Czech Republic

Instructor camp - 2022 Kenya

Instructor camp - 2022 Brazil

Who You Will Train With


Petr "Grandmaster" Moučka

Chief Instructor

Founder of SORUDO, reality-based self-defense system. 22 years of teachning and developing SORUDO. In total, 34 years of experience with martial arts.



Country instructor in Brasil

Muay Thai instructor, Aikido blackbelt and teacher. Working as bounty hunter for Judge.



Instructor from Bulgaria and the Netherlands

Police officer, military Krav Maga Instructor. Future chief instructor for police in Israel.



Instructor from Kenya

Proffesional Muay Thai instructor, owner of a security agency. First SORUDO instructor in Africa.



Instructor from Sebia/Sweden

Former profesional MMA Fighter, invited in UFC, more than 100 professional fights. Currently instructor of MMA, wrestling, BJJ, Boxing.



Instructor from Bulgaria and the Netherlands

Competitive fighter in Wrestling and BJJ. Fitness instructor and the first SORUDO instructor in the Netherlands.


You can be here too!

Instructor from your country



Instructor from Mexico

Security professional, owner of a security agency in Mexico. Specialist for security against Narcos. Shooting instructor. Already 12 years as SORUDO instructor.


More instructors

Meet them all at the SORUDO CAMP

Apply and become part of our instructor team!

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Instructor from Czech Rep.

Special unit police officer, serial national champion in BJJ and Wrestling. Former K1 fighter. Shooting and TCCC Instructor and SORUDO Country Instructor.



Country instructor in Brasil

Owner of a security agency, contractor, combat military experience from Kongo. Head Krav Maga and Kapap instructor for Kenya.

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What are you waiting for?

It’s a non-binding application! We will reach out to you as soon as we can via email - please check your inbox regularly!

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